William Hildyard celebrate 'Twosday' 22.2.22
On Tuesday 22nd February (22.2.22) the whole school celebrated ‘Twosday’, a one off special event that will only happen once in our lifetimes!
This date is special for several reasons. The date only contains one number which is repeated. Every digit is a 2! Also, it looks the same when reading it forwards and backwards. This year, this date fell on a Tuesday. Tuesday is the second day of the week. Another link to the number 2!
During Collective Worship we discovered that when a number, sequence, word or phrase is written the same way backwards and forwards (like the date 22.2.22), there is a special name for it. It is called a PALINDROME.
We then spent the day completing lots of different challenges that involved the number two. Here are some examples of what we did.
In Year 1 the laundry fairy came to visit! Unfortunately, she left a terrible mess! Some of the children spent some time organising the washing in to pairs to help to tidy up the mess. The children also practised counting in 2’s and made some beautiful ‘Twosday’ crowns.
In Year 4 the children completed code cracking activities that all used the number 2 or doubling.
In upper Key Stage 2 the children were set the 2’s challenge. They had to use all of their mental maths skills, as well as their knowledge of BIDMAS to create as many numbers between 1 and 20 as they could using only the digit 2. Here is an example of a completed challenge.