Year 1 Term 6 - Courage
As the children approach a time of change in their school life, either to a new class or a new school, we think about the courage required to face these new challenges. Also, this is the term when the KS2 residential trips take place. What better time to think about this value? For Christians 'having courage' or 'strength to carry on' is linked to faith in God's promises - promises of God's presence, protection and power. Famously Joshua, when taking over from Moses in the Old Testament, hears God say: 'Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go'. Joshua 1:9 Saying 'don't be discouraged' is the same as saying 'take courage'. When we encourage others we are helping them to find courage. One of the most often repeated commands of God in the Bible is 'don't be afraid'. It is said that it comes at least 365 times - once for every day of the year! In the New Testament, Paul, when faced with hardship, finds that a prayer of thanksgiving gave him new courage: 'Paul... thanked God and was encouraged' (Acts 28:15). Jesus urged his disciples to be courageous in the face of suffering, based on the fact that God's love was ultimately victorious: 'Take heart. I have overcome the world' (John 16:33). Christians recognise that human courage alone is sometimes not enough. It can be a challenge to stick to what is good and right. They need the assurance of God's help and presence to do what they know is right.