Summer Fayre
Thank you to everyone who came along to the Summer Fayre on Saturday 1st July. The school field was full of people enjoying the many games, competitions, events and refreshments that were available, including throwing wet sponges at the teachers in the stocks, hula hooping, tombola, splat the rat, the bouncy castle and hook a duck to name a few.
There was a competition to see how far you could make a paper aeroplane fly and a chance to win a jar full of toys by guessing how many were in it. The delicious hot dogs and burgers cooked on the barbeque did a roaring trade and scores of cream teas were consumed. It’s not often that you see a penny farthing bicycle being ridden around the field, let alone a child sized one too! There were dance performances and fancy dress in the arena and competitions to enter such as the miniature garden, handwriting, recycled animal and decorated cupcakes.
The selfie booth was very entertaining and lots of people went away with fantastic raffle prizes, such as a luxury summer hamper, a spa day for two at Bannatynes, a voucher from the Beauty Retreat, £20 to spend at The Stage and plenty more. It was a fantastic team effort. If you donated something, helped beforehand or on the day or just came along and spent your money, thank you! We really appreciate it. The best thing was that we raised £1,804.33 which will go towards replacing the outdoor play equipment.