Year 2 Term 6 - Wisdom
Proverbs 18:15
‘Wise men and women are always learning, always listening for fresh insights’.
As the end of the school year approaches we consider the choices and the decisions we make as we enter new classes or schools. What have we learnt about ourselves and our world so far and how will this knowledge feed into the decisions we make? Wisdom is the understanding of the consequences of our thoughts, words and actions, and an awareness of the true values of things. Wisdom is different to knowledge. Wisdom is what you do with knowledge. Often wise people have lots of experience and can give good advice to help us make difficult decisions. Some people pray because they believe God can help them to live their lives wisely.
The Bible talks of wisdom as a gift from God. Wisdom is about being prepared to listen to the advice of others, thinking before you speak and sometimes choosing silence over words. Wisdom may be best described as discernment gained through life experience and distilled into guiding principles.
In school we will explore together:
- Making wise choices
- The consequences of our words and actions
- Learning wisdom from others – including children from parents and parents from children
- Learning from our mistakes and becoming wiser through them